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Otros Sitios de Colibrí

Reciprocal LinkOur Hummingbirds: Watch two hummingbirds being fed.
Fotosearch’s Hummingbird Photos: Browse hundreds of images of hummingbirds at the Fotosearch Stock Photography portal.
Home of the Best Birding Binoculars: Whether you enjoy birding, butterfly watching, or just taking in the scenery, a quality pair of binoculars are perhaps the most expensive investment that you will likely make. Check out this site for a recommendation.
Reciprocal LinkHummingbirds of Ecuador Photo Gallery: Ecuador is a wonderful place to watch hummingbirds. It has around 130 different types of hummingbird and you can see them almost all over the country, from the lowlands on both sides of the Andes to surprisingly high up in the mountains.
elPinico: A página dedicada a las aves de la costa granadina en particular pero con la intención de aportar información sobre las aves en general.
Reciprocal LinkFotos de aves: Carles Pastor: Encontraras fotos de aves y sus cantos y otras fotos de naturaleza fotografiadas en plena naturaleza, realizadas por el fotógrafo de naturaleza Carles Pastor Domínguez. En las fichas podrás encontrar además del nombre en castellano, la denominación científica y los nombres en catalán, euskera, gallego, portugués, ingles, francés, italiano y alemán.
Reciprocal LinkLas Aves El Zoológico Electrónico en – Los Colibríes: Los Colibríes (Familia Trochilidae) sólo los encontramos en el Nuevo Mundo. Existen más de 300 especies de colibríes.
Reciprocal LinkBarbolink’s World: A great site with lots of fun information and terrific pictures of Barbolink herself.
In Ground Swimming Pools:In ground swimming pools that you can actually build and install yourself.
Reciprocal LinkKids Konnect: a safe Internet gateway for kids of all ages!
Reciprocal LinkBIRDWATCHIN’.com: Here is the description text for my link: If you love bird watching and feeding backyard birds you’ll discover a lot of fun at Birdwatchin’.com. Bird watching is perfect for any age and can be done anywhere. Whether you need to discover how to attract wild birds to your backyard or find a bird art poster … we are here to help you enjoy every aspect of the bird watching hobby.
Reciprocal The first Video Guide to Hummingbirds, great videos, photograms and high resolution pictures.
Reciprocal El primer vídeo Guía de picaflores, gran videos, fotogramas y fotografías de alta resolución.
Reciprocal LinkAll-Birds: Learn about birds at All-Birds. Identification tips, photographs, songs and calls and more. Attract favorite birds to your backyard with feeders.
Reciprocal LinkBackyard Bird Watcher: One of the largest internet resources for backyard bird feeders, birdhouses, birdbaths, home and garden decor, water garden supplies and great gifts for the backyard enthusiast.
Reciprocal LinkRobert Winkler.: Robert Winkler is a wonderful writer and artist who loves birds and the great outdoors. Visit his site to see what he has been working on lately.
Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory (SABO): A non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of the birds of southeastern Arizona, their habitats and the diversity of species that share those habitats through research, monitoring and public education.
Reciprocal Link Hummingbird Photographs by Jon Gallagher and William Zittrich.
Reciprocal LinkWings In Flight: …where I will share some of my interests such as birding and gardening for wildlife, and my love of nature with a special fondness for those things with wings.
Currans Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds: Welcome to John Curran’s Hummingbird website. I am sharing my knowledge and pictures of Ruby-throated hummingbirds with those who are interested in learning more about them and how to attract them.
Reciprocal LinkEnjoyable Hummingbirds: My slideshows will feature photos of ruby-throated hummingbirds eating from handheld flowers, handheld feeders and eating straight from the palm of my hand. The male Ruby-Throated Hummingbird spent the summer of 2006 with me and returned to spend May and June of 2007 with me. Amazing? Yes, but true. There are also photos of two baby hummingbirds in their nest, photos of mom feeding them, and photos of a ruby-throated hummingbird’s forked-translucent tongue.
Reciprocal Photographing hummingbirds is an enjoyable but challenging hobby. I started photographing ruby-throat hummingbirds in 1999 and look forward to April for the return of the northern migration. I usually get my first hummers in April and get to enjoy them until late October.
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